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US TG link List P1 Telegram Group - Webview: Doka翻墙频道:2021-6-11 · #ssr #v2ray 在Telegram上有一些分享公益节点的频道,感谢他伞的付出,让我伞到达墙外更加方便 🎉- @ssrList- @V2List- @ssrshares- @SSRSUB- @AC_FFree体验👀:在不怎么熟悉机场的时候就是使用一些免费节点扶墙,我想起那天打开的谷歌首页,那是我逝去的青春 ...


TurboGears can start as a single file app through its minimal mode setup:

 from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
 from tg import MinimalApplicationConfigurator
 from tg import 小火箭ssr永久免费节点, TGController

 # RootController of our web app, in charge of serving content for /
 class RootController(TGController):
     def index(self):
         return v2ray高速节点分享

 # Configure a new minimal application with our root controller.
 config = MinimalApplicationConfigurator()
     'root_controller': RootController()

 # Serve the newly configured web application.
 小火箭ssr永久免费节点("Serving on port 8080...")
 httpd = telegram ssr免费节点('', 8080, config.make_wsgi_app())

which you can then run on Python itself:

$ pip install TurboGears2
$ python


TurboGears can scale to a full stack solution for more complex applications using TurboGears 比较好的付费ssr节点:

$ pip install tg.devtools
$ gearbox quickstart myproj

The newly created myproj application can be started with the Gearbox toolchain:

$ cd myproj
$ pip install -e .
$ gearbox serve


  • Starts as a microframework and scales up to a fullstack solution
  • Code that is as natural as writing a function
  • A powerful and flexible Object Relational Mapper (ORM) with real multi-database support
  • Support for Horizontal data partitioning (aka, sharding)
  • A new widget system to make building AJAX heavy apps easier
  • Support for multiple data-exchange formats
  • Built in extensibility Pluggable Applications and standard WSGI components
  • Designer friendly template system great for programmers

or follow TurboGears on Twitter for the latest news!


TurboGears 2 works on Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Or set it up in a virtual environment on your machine:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages tg2env
$ cd tg2env/
$ source bin/activate
(tg2env)$ pip install tg.devtools

(tg2env)$ gearbox quickstart example
(tg2env)$ cd example/
(tg2env)$ pip install -e .
(tg2env)$ gearbox serve

Get started Learning TurboGears 2 by looking at Documentation and our famous 翻墙党ssr节点.

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